Summer One
This term our topic driver was History, we were learning about History All Around Us.
As it was a focus on a local study, we looked at Harewood House which is located in Leeds.
The children completed a range of activities from clay work, to sketching, to researching the uses of Harewood House over of the years.
We completed chronology tasks and researched the different rooms in the house and wrote an adventure story.
Our DT topic this term was very exciting, we were learning about Bread and Scones.
The children had the opportunity to revisit and learn new skills such as measuring, mixing, kneading, chopping, slicing and shaping.
We began our topic the proper way, by having a tasting session to try different bread and scones.
Then we had to think about the flavours we enjoyed to help us design our own bread.
After designing it was time to bake!
We made our own bread with the flavours of our choice and were able to practise the different shaping techniques.
It was a tasty topic!
Autumn One
In 3C our topic this term is ‘Invaders and Settlers in Britain’.
Our main focus is the Anglo-Saxons.
To kick off our topic we had an Anglo-Saxon Day where we found out what is was like to be an Anglo-Saxon.
Some of the activities included: using natural resources to make dye for clothes, baking Griddle Cakes and Honey Oat Cakes,
playing Anglo-Saxon board games and making brooches.
It was a great day!