A uniform is more than a badge or item of clothing, it gives a sense of belonging. We believe that the best uniform is one that is high quality, but most importantly – affordable for parents.
A uniform provides children with a routine that will benefit them as they move forward in their education. We have high expectations of all our pupils, and this includes uniform. All pupils are expected to attend in full uniform, unless alternative prior arrangements have been made (e.g due to sensory issues or an injury).
Branded uniform can be purchased from https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/uniform/WrenthorpeacademyWF20LW however, it is not compulsory to have the school logo on uniform.
Uniform can also be bought from most major stores at competitive prices: Asda, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencer, Next and Matalan all sell red uniform either in store or online.
At Wrenthorpe Academy, we operate a half-termly ‘swap shop’ in school, where parents can swap uniform that no longer fits their child for other items of uniform from our store. We are also always more than happy to accept any donations of unwanted uniform that is in good condition. Second-hand uniform is available to all families who request it in return for a small donation. To access uniform from school, please speak to Mrs Farrar. For families who are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Miss Harrison (SENDCO/Learning Mentor).
Uniform Information
Below is more information about our uniform.

School Uniform (Required)
- Black/grey trousers (not leggings)/skirt/pinafore dress
- Shorts (not PE shorts or cycling shorts) or red checked dress (optional/summer term only)
- White blouse or red or white polo shirt
- Red jumper/cardigan
- White, black or grey socks
- Grey or black tights
- Plain, all black shoes (no trainers)

PE Kit (Required)
Children are asked to wear their PE kit to school on their PE days, which is two days per week. This will be communicated to parents at the start of term.
- Plain white T-shirt
- Black or navy blue shorts (no logos)
- Sensible trainers that are suitable for PE (no bright colours)
- Plain black or navy blue hoodie (no logos)
- Jogging bottoms or leggings (no logos) may also be needed for the winter months

Swimming Kit (Required)
On Swimming days, children are asked to come to school with swimming kit on underneath their uniform.
- Swimming Shorts (no long shorts, above the knee)
- One-Piece Swimming Costume or Swimming Trunks
- Towel
- Bag for Wet Items
- Long Hair Must Be Tied Back
- Jewellery Must Be Removed
Restricted Items
The following items are not permitted in school:
- Football (or other sports), or heavily branded sports shirts for PE
- T-Shirts, tracksuit tops and hoodies for normal school uniform
- Joggers, tracksuit bottoms or casual shorts for normal school uniform (unless agreed with SLT for medical reasons)
- ‘Pretend or transfer’ tattoos
- Nail varnish (unless clear) or false nails on fingers or toes
- Make-up
- Bright or multi-coloured trainers
- Open-toed shoes, sandals or flip flops
- Hair extensions, brightly coloured weaves or hair pieces
- Any other jewellery/piercings other than small, stud earrings or watches (not smart watches)
- Pupils may wear one small pair of stud earrings, but these must be able to be removed independently for PE.
- Any piercings must be done at the start of the summer holidays so that they have time to heal over the 6 week break. No other jewellery and/or piercings are permitted in school.
- Sensible and safe watches (not smart watches) can be worn in school, but are worn at the owner’s risk.