At Wrenthorpe Academy we follow the Jigsaw scheme for PSHE
Over the past few years as the time pressures on the curriculum have increased, at times the quality of PSHE education has decreased. At Wrenthorpe Academy we believe that high quality PSHE teaching is fundamental to children’s holistic development and therefore should be given the time and attention it deserves.
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout. All of these pieces of learning are brought together to form a cohesive picture, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world.
Jigsaw is a fantastic resource which supports teachers in delivering an engaging and relevant personal, social and health education curriculum to our children. In this section you will find an overview of the Jigsaw approach, individual year group curriculum overviews and two very useful guides for parents and carers.
Mixed Year Group Teaching
As we have mixed year group classes, we follow each year group in turn. in 2019/20 the school will be following the year 1, 3 and 5 units. In 2020/21 we will be following the year 2, 4 and 6 units.
This does not apply for the ‘Changing Me’ unit, for which children will be separated into their individual year groups.
Sex and Relationships Education
We have a statutory duty to teach Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), this is addressed through the ‘Relationships’ unit in term 5 and the ‘Changing Me’ unit in term 6. Please have a look at the SRE parent information leaflet for more specific information.
British Values
Jigsaw contributes, as a good PSHE programme should, to the British Values agenda very significantly, both through the direct teaching of information and through the experiential learning children will enjoy.
The 5 strands of the British Values agenda have been mapped across every Puzzle and every Piece (lesson).
We link our whole school assemblies to the Jigsaw Themes and Values being taught and applied through the PSHE curriculum. We are proud of the way we promote emotional well-being for all our pupils through our Jigsaw programme which underpins the whole of our curriculum.