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Attendance and Punctuality

Every single day counts at Wrenthorpe Academy. The governing body and staff hold firm the belief that children who miss school miss out. Lost learning through absence or poor punctuality leads to lost progress throughout school.


We expect all children to be in school and on time every day, and we expect parents to work with us in order to achieve high standards of attendance and punctuality for their children.


Attending school every day is essential if children are to benefit fully from the everything school has to offer both academically and socially. It is also important that children learn the importance of good punctuality  as part of their preparations for adult life.



  • 8:45am signals the start of the school day and we expect children to arrive on time. The school opens its doors to children and the registration period begins.
  • 9:00am the registration period closes and all external classroom and cloakroom doors locked. Lessons begin at 9:00am.

Pupils arriving late (after 9:00am) must enter school via the school office. Punctuality is monitored weekly.



Attendance is monitored weekly. Parents of pupils who are frequently absent, have a pattern of absent days or whose attendance figure falls below our good attendance threshold will be contacted by school. This could result in the involve of our Education Welfare Officer or the issuing of a penalty notice.


Authorised absence – Absence due to illness

If your child is unwell and needs to be absent from school

  • we ask that you inform school before 9:00am stating the reason for the absence and when your child is expected to return
  • we request that you repeat this each day your child is absent from school

Authorised Absence – Medical appointments

We request that medical and dental appointments are made outside of the school day or during the school holidays. Where this is not possible parents are required to verify the appointment at the school office with an appointment card/letter. If verification is not provided the absence will not be authorised. Pupils should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time for the appointment.


Authorised absence – Religious observance

The day must be exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the parent(s) belong.


Unauthorised Absence

Unauthorised absence is that which is not permissible in law, e.g. birthdays, shopping trips, concerts, days out, term time holidays, attending appointments with parents, and any absence where no explanation has been received by the school.


Term Time Holidays

Term time holidays will not be authorised and may incur a penalty notice (fine). Exceptional circumstances will be considered in line with Government guidance and decisions are at the Headteacher’s discretion.


Wrenthorpe Academy Attendance Policy

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