A proud member of

Governing Body

Waterton Governance Page


How we work

School Governors meet three times each academic year and focus on Academy Standards. We refer to this group as the ASC (Academy Standards Committee). The ASC meets with the Headteacher and considers the Leadership Report which provides detailed information about various aspects of school life, namely: targets and progress, the School Development Plan, and the School Self Evaluation Form. In addition, the ASC will hear updates on the progress of other work taking place in school, in areas which receive additional funding, such as: SEND, PE/Sports Premium and Pupil Premium for example.
The ASC must have time to dedicate to examining school data and completing monitoring tasks alongside the Senior Leadership Team. The ASC produce their own Development Plan which details how they intend to monitor the work of the school in order to ask relevant questions and to provide support and challenge in equal measure to the Leadership of the school.


Keeping in touch

The website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of school life. If you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to us. We are all contactable through school and are happy to discuss any issues or ideas you may have. There are lots of ways of sharing your views with us. As many of our governors are also parents of children at school, so we can often be found around at the beginning and end of the school day. We will also be arranging specific opportunities and times throughout the school year to hear from you and keep in touch. Alternatively, you can always leave us a note at the school office or drop us an e-mail to the school address and we will get in touch with you.

Becoming a Governor

Being a school governor is an important role but you do not need to have any particular skills, knowledge or experience to become a governor. What you need to bring is: a commitment to school life; the ability to work with others; patience and enthusiasm; a willingness to learn; a commitment to working openly and democratically; and, most importantly a willingness to spend what time you can offer getting involved in school life. The most important thing to note is that governors are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas. However much we may differ in our opinions and experiences we are united by our commitment to the school and the responsibility we share for its long-term success. In short, we have a common purpose.

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