A proud member of

Year 5/6

Class Teacher – Mrs Parry

Welcome to 5/6P’s class page!
Keep checking back to see what we have been up to…



Improving WRITING

We have worked incredibly hard to improve our writing this half term. We have thought
carefully about our vocabulary choices and have been trying hard to include a wide
range of skills in every piece.


As part of our History Topic on the Ancient Maya Civilization, we wrote non-chronological reports about their religious beliefs.
We tried hard to include a wide range of skills in our writing.
We also designed and made masks out of clay. WE decorated them with feathers as Mayan priests would have done.


Our Science lessons this half term have been all about the human body and how the different systems work.
We thoroughly enjoyed this lesson where we explored how the digestive system worked using food, orange juice and a pair of tights!

Merry Christmas

From all of us in 5/6P

Design and Technology – Creating a Visual Learning Aid

What a challenging design topic we had this half term!
Our task was to design and make a visual learning aid to teach children about an aspect of Geography.
We chose to focus on North America as it linked with our recent Geography topic.
The children had to work in groups to design and create their visual learning aid.
They had to first accurately sketch and cut out their maps  before using the atlas to help them create mountains
using salt dough and then paint their maps using topographical colours.
After that, they labelled the key features of the map and then they created a pair of  parallel circuits
so that different areas of the map would like up when connected to the power source! Wow!
The children are all, rightly, very proud of what they created.

English – War Horse

We have started our new class book this week and we are loving it already!
We are reading ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo and, with Remembrance Day just around the corner,
we started off our work by reading some poetry from WWI. After reading and discussing the poems,
we analysed their use of language and used them to help us create some vocabulary banks to help us with writing our own poems.
We then worked as a class to create a poem inspired by the short film, ‘Beyond the Lines’.
Children tried hard to include various techniques, such as simile,
metaphor and personification and they were, quite deservedly, very proud of what they created.


Barbara Hepworth

We thoroughly enjoyed learning about Barbara Hepworth for our Art topic last half term.
We did some fun activities to help us build up our skills before designing and making our clay sculptures.
We created pendants with salt-dough and used PlayDoh to recreate some of Hepworth’s famous sculptures,
which really helped us to prepare for creating our clay sculptures.
Our favourite activity was the soap carving. We were all given a small bar of soap which we carved using clay tools and scissors.
It was tricky but we all persevered and created something super by the end of the afternoon.
Finally, we designed our own sculptures which were all individual but all inspired by Barbara Hepworth’s work.
They turned out great!

Our Learning

5/6P have had a super first couple of weeks back at school.
I have been absolutely amazed with how quickly they have all settled back into the school routine and at how hard they have all been working.
Here is a flavour of what we have been doing:
These first couple weeks of Maths lessons have focused on Place Value and I have been super impressed with how much the children have remembered. We have done lots of paired work as well as classroom discussion and the children have made excellent progress.
In History, we started our topic on the Ancient Greeks with a ‘hook day’, during which the children made lyres and did some fantastic writing inspired by Homer’s Odyssey, which tells the exciting story of Odysseus and his journey home from the Trojan War.
Our first couple of PE lessons have been VERY active and lots of fun! The children have been working on their Tag Rugby skills through playing throwing games, Corners and Tag Tig.




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